Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sloppy Firsts Are Just As Bad As Sloppy Seconds

Blind dates are a huge no-no in my book, but I gave into my rule to have, quite possibly, the biggest disaster date I've ever had.

I met Alex through my best friend's boyfriend, Zach, who urged that his friend and I were "perfect" for eachother. He told me to look on his website and it was the first person in his friend's list... I can't lie, the guy was very attractive and from what his profile stated, I figured he and I would get along great! Alex was in a band as a singer and guitar player, liked the same bands as me, seemed really sweet from how well written he described himself, and he had his priorities in order. Zach asked if he could give his friend my number so he could talk to me and I gave him the go-ahead. I talked to him pretty constant for about two weeks and when he asked me out, I was pretty excited, to say the least.

Alex lived a half hour away from me, but he agreed to pick me up. After he was late by an hour, I'd already given up, until he called and said he was coming down my street. Sure enough, I walk outside and I see a beat-up car SPEEDING down my neighborhood. I disregarded it figuring that maybe he was speeding because he was trying to make up for the fact of being so incredibly late! As it turns out, it wasn't him that was doing the speeding....

His friend was in the driver's seat with a tattered t-shirt and crazy looking hair was apparently going to be our chauffeur for the evening, because just as soon as they pulled up, Alex jumped into the back seat. And I say "jump" because he didn't get out and slide in through the back door, but rather pounced into the back seat of the shady looking car and then opened up the backseat door for me to get in. I had a gut wrenching feeling that I should just walk away from the whole situation, but I went against it while saying to myself, "Well, they came all this way..."

The junk on wheels sped away with Alex and I in the backseat while his friend drove. About half way there, Alex starts trying to kiss me after knowing me all of 15 minutes. I pushed him away and he still persisted practically forcing himself on me and shoving his slimy tongue down my throat. By the time I got him off of me and expressed that I didn't appreciate him being all over me like that, I then had to use the sleeve of my shirt to wipe off the slobber he left on the edges of my mouth and cheeks! He obviously didn't see the disgust on my face because he still persisted.

While I was expecting to go to some sort of restaurant, my dinner was a choice of bowls filled with different candies and chips at one of his friend's houses that he took me to. There were a lot of girls and guys there with music playing, so I figured it was just a party. I was wrong. An older lady walked into the room started handing out Easter baskets to everyone while talking about God this and God that. I distictly told Alex before that I get uncomfortable in religious settings, but he either forgot or just wanted to force it on me. All-the-while, he couldnt keep from being right up on me, arm around me, practically every second I was swatting a hand away. After the sermon was over, we went into the huge, pitchblack yard and were supposed to go Easter Egg Hunting.

I managed to sneak away from Alex "in search of eggs" and hid out in a bush to get away from him. I had the fewest eggs in my basket due to my stakeout in the bushes. I just got so tired of him touching me inappropriately and trying to force kisses on me after telling him repeatedly to stop, I figured I'd finally be passive and just avoid him completely. It worked pretty well. When it was time to leave, I hopped into the frontseat and rode home untouched. Needless to say, with as many sloppy kisses he stole throughout the date, when he got me home, he didn't get a good night kiss.

A week later he sent me a message on my website with a picture of him and some other girl kissing as his profile picture. I guess he was trying to be subtle, but I'm glad SOMEONE likes his slobbery kisses!